Septic Care

Your Septic System should be routinely pumped every 2 to 3 years depending on usage. Homes that have a garbage disposal need more frequent pumping. Proper maintenance is the key to maximizing the lifespan of a Septic System.

Oceanside will locate your septic tank by using a probe or electronic locating device. Darrell will remove the sod and earth and preserve it on a tarp while he cleans the tank. After the tank cleaning process is finished, which includes back flushing and thoroughly cleaning the sides of the tank, Darrell is adamant about the work area be restored to its original condition. Darrell’s objective is for the landscape to appear undisturbed when the job is completed.

For homeowners who have primary residences elsewhere Oceanside will always provide services and send you an invoice by email, fax or USPS mail. It is not necessary that you are present during service.

Oceanside understands the importance of routinely maintaining your system and will remind you when it’s time for you to schedule your next septic pumping.

What does septic pumping include?

  • Locating the system
  • Uncovering access holes
  • Measuring scum and sludge layers
  • Identifying any leaks
  • Inspecting mechanical components
  • Pumping the tank is necessary